I couldn’t get to Autodesk University 2013 but won’t miss out entirely thanks to technology; both virtual and real.
Autodesk University Online
AU Online makes some of the the formal side of AU (Keynotes, Innovation Forums and some classes) available to all from the comfort of your office, mobile or (for me with the early sessions) bed!
Join us for AU 2013 Live Streaming Video from Las Vegas
Experience the excitement of this year's conference from your office or on the go as you watch AU 2013 live streaming video of sessions from AU Las Vegas. Join us December 3-5, 2013 for a selection of classes, the Keynote Address, the Closing Session, and the Innovation Forums.
Of course it does not quite have the atmosphere and excitement of being in Las Vegas but a recent Twitter conversation with Kean Walmsley reminded me of an old Autodesk project which recreates some of that closer to home…
KitKat, Smarties, M&Ms, Autodesk University?
Autodesk University Ambience Simulator
This isn’t an Autodesk Labs project, rather something pioneered several years ago by Autodesk New Zealand.
It had a limited distribution, just before Christmas from memory, but ours is still very popular with those who see it by my desk at work.
Like the one armed bandits in Vegas you do have to feed it and the pay-out is delivered with a distinctive clinky clang sound as sweets drop into the tray. Unlike Vegas machines the odds of winning, even the colour you want with a bit of care, are extremely good!
Maybe Mk2 will add an alcohol dispenser and whiff of stale cigarette odour for even more realism.
Autodesk University, if you can’t be there, be there online!