Unfortunately I’m just an interested observer of the Microsoft Surface/Windows RT release. Microsoft chose to omit New Zealand from the initial launch which is mildly annoying. It would have been more so I hadn’t already decided to postpone any purchase until seeing the full Surface Pro due (hopefully in NZ too) in a few months.
Of the many Surface RT reviews I’ve read this one by Hal Berenson, a former Microsoft/DEC engineer, has me intrigued. His ‘sort of review’ has an interesting view of why Surface RT differs from current tablets and the influence of its versatile form factor:
Understanding the Microsoft Surface (a sort of Review) | Hal's (Im)Perfect Vision
This is a review of the Microsoft Surface, though it won’t be like most other reviews you read. I’m going to focus my effort on positioning the Surface in today’s so-called “post-PC” era. You want unboxing, descriptions of buttons and connectors, spec comparisons, etc. then this isn’t the review for you. You want real world insights, then stay tuned.
“What really makes the Surface difference. In your hands it is, at worst, yet another tablet. Prop it up on a table or other flat surface and something magical happens.” Surface photos by Microsoft