Today it’s off to Vegas and time for Autodesk University, proper. It’s a small world when a friend from the South Island of New Zealand happens to be passing through San Francisco airport, coming from Canada, at the same time I’m heading to Vegas. With a bit of luck, and airline schedules aligning, we’ll be able to meet for coffee on the other side of the Pacific!
I have a non-AU event planned tonight as couldn’t be just one casino away from SPAMalot and miss it. Wynn is next door to the Venetian but the size of things in Vegas means it’s still a bit of a hike!
It’s a feast of Python’ness this month as a couple of weeks after I get home from AU Eric Idle is visiting New Zealand with his show “He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!”. From one side of the world to the other, it’s all Python!