Robert Grandmaison made rather stunning model of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in AutoCAD and shared as a DWF. With his permission I’m hosting it and if you have a free DWF Viewer you can "Right click >Save target as" to download FSM-RG.dwf (226.3K)
If not try the not try the “no install” Freewheel viewer version below. You can zoom, orbit (spin in 3D) to view the FSM from any direction. If “he” orbits off screen use “Pan” to move back or “Fit” to return to the original view.
Using DWF + Freewheel to view a deity from any perspective…
Autodesk Freewheel is an Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) based web service/application built to provide CAD model viewing, printing and collaboration, through the dynamic rendering of DWF file data and graphics information. You can think of Freewheel as a set of componentized Web Services and JavaScript frameworks. Together these components make up the Interactive Ajax DWF Viewer.
All rights for FSM, Freewheel and the DWF itself remain with their respective authors. Combined use of their content or technology does not imply any endorsement of one by the other.