I was reading a blog post about Microsoft Silverlight*, Microsoft’s tilt at Adobe Flash, and it's XAML based technology. Not being a programmer or web application builder I was thinking:
"I wonder what this means for all those XML based documents like MindManager (& Office 2007)?"
Meanwhile, a “Miscellaneous Hero” – check his new email address in the credits – in San Francisco who actually understands all this stuff was creating a technology demonstration that shows what it could mean for MindManager. It’s development prototyping at the speed of thought!
Mindjet MindManager and Silverlight - blogs.msdn.com/synergist
View Michael’s Technology Demo Video (0:01:45) showing transformation of MindManager to Silverlight web presentation.
* Silverlight, previously code-named "WPF/E" (Windows Presentation Foundation/Everywhere) is a “lightweight subset of XAML for building rich media experiences on the web”.