I went to an Auckland AutoCAD User Group meeting tonight and after an excellent demo of Revit Building and Revit Structure, thanks Rich & Damien, the discussion turned to the subject of the next meeting – AutoCAD 2007.
The question was asked: “How do you re-path xrefs in the new 2007 External References Manager (right), it’s not that obvious how you save the path, and can you revert to the old dialogs if preferred?” I remembered reading the answer to the old dialog but couldn’t recall so here it is…
But first, why a new palette and how do you use it?
Adding DWF as a possible reference type meant the designers had the choice. Create yet another dialog for reference management or create a new interface for all types of file references. The External References Palette was combines the old Xref and Image Manager dialogs. It’s worth trying as it provides the only dialog to manage DWF references.
I show a few possible states and how to edit the references in this interface, and those classic dialog commands…
- Tips for editing in the palette:
- In the details section a white background means you can edit the field
- Clicking out away from a field will apply, or save, your edit. There is no save button as it’s not needed.
Unreferenced: This image shows a ! as the both path is lost and the image reference in the file has been deleted.
You can fix the missing path and re-attach the image from the palette.
- To fix the path click into Found At and the “…” button allows you to browse to the file.
- When you click away from this field the path is saved – no need to click a save button like the old dialog.
- You can then attach the missing image.
Change Path: This shows an Xref with a found and saved path.
If incorrect you update the saved path by editing the Found At path as below.
The Found At path is grey-ed out?
This indicates a Nested Reference (1), you’d have to fix the path in the parent file.
Click see the Tree View.
I want my old Dialog! (I read this at an excellent CAD Tip Resource site: www.cadforum.cz)
If you still prefer the old Xref and Image dialogs there are “classic” commands to access them but it won’t help with referenced DWF’s!
CLASSICXREF for the old Xref Manager
CLASSIC IMAGE for the old Image Manager