This 1972 documentary on the early days of computer networking is fascinating. The ARPAnet pioneered many of the concepts and technology that became the Internet and it may even have the first mention of BIM?
J.C.R. Licklider of M.I.T.
“When they are developing plans the blueprints, as it were, don’t have to be copied and sent all around the country, the blueprints come out of the database and appear on every-bodies scope and the correlation, the coordination of the activity, is essentially right there in the computer network itself”. (about 11:00 min)
“It’s just fundamental that if one wants to deal with information you ought to deal with the information not the paper it’s written on” (about 22:00 min)
They dream of banking networks, information sharing, instant communication across wide-band networks. Could that change the world? Oh, it already has!
Computer Networks The Heralds of Resource Sharing - Google Video
Via Make Blog