Recently Substacker (Webworm), Podcaster (Flightless Bird), Director (Tickled, Dark Tourist, Mr Organ), former TV3 Journalist, David Farrier posted about dyeing his hair...
(Quote from subscriber locked post used with permission)
I dyed my hair pink - then the angry comments began.
I dyed my hair pink* this week.
If I was being pretentious I’d say it was an art project. I’d used a pink-hair filter on social media earlier this month, which had people evenly split between “Oh my God you dyed your hair!” to “That’s clearly a filter!”
At some point I figured I’d make the filter a reality, keep posting, and see what people made of it in this digital age of filters, deep fakes and AI-generated art.
More confusion ensued....
I read it and laughed as, and shared in this comment on the post, it reminded me of a six weekly ritual...
So, I happened to have my regular haircut appointment last night. My hairdresser did her routine 'consultation beckon towards the styling chair' then stopped, looked at me, and said "No, we don't need to talk about what you want do we?', and headed straight for the wash basins.
I laughed, then showed her David's post on hair, my comment about our 'styling conversation' (as just happened), and his reply...
After the cut she said, 'We do have a 'melon' spray that will wash out first time, do you want to try that..."?
For a laugh I agreed, but it was too subtle on my mix of brown and grey (58 years in the making...) highlights. So, after a bit of discussion, thought what the hell and they got out the real colouring. Who's that in those foil things...
I didn't go full pink but, thanks to David Farrier and Sue, at Sudan Hair, I now have pink highlights!
PS: Looking up some old photos, for a family event this weekend, I realised it isn't the first time I've changed my hair colour. But it is a long time since I was blonde...
Two weeks later (updated 2024-04-26)
As a result of David's change, he started getting loads of abusive messages on his social:
"Because at first glance it can be puzzling at why people are getting so angry about pink hair. But we’re looking at that same unhinged, illogical rage that saw people setting 5G cell towers alight four years ago.
Logic won’t help, because we’re dealing with fear — and fear makes people lash out. It just happens that fear is currently being targeted at one of society’s most vulnerable groups.
And as the feedback to my pink hair came in, something very obvious struck me.
If this is the sort of shit a cis white man was getting — imagine what it’s fucking like to be a trans person in the world right now."
Although not why I did it, I was curious to see if this non-notable boring cis white man got the same.
I changed my profile photo everywhere without mentioning why. If anyone asked, a few did, I replied with a link to this post.
I already had he/him pronouns (which seem to be a real hate trigger for some) on several profiles, like LinkedIn and Mastodon, where people don't necessarily know me in person.
That was because 'Robin/Robyn' gender confusion happens quite often in forums where appearance isn't obvious, especially the US where 'Robin' spelling is used quite often for both. As an aside, my sister and I sometimes get names transposed, as hers is often shortened to 'Jac(k)'.
So far, to my knowledge at least, there hasn't been any negative reaction. In person and on-line reaction, if any, has been complimentary. The occasional comment 'is this a mid-life crisis?' satisfied by explaining the back story. Will see how it goes and update again if anything changes.
In my experience the trans people I have encountered (not many, a few in person and more (directly) online) are the nicest, and incredibly courageous in just trying to live their true life. I still can't imagine how hard that must be given the shite that is directed at them by some individuals and organisations.
As for the hair, think it may stick, for a while at least. I had the initial surface colour, that would wash out quite quickly, done in a more permanent one. I don't think it's very pink but wonder if I'm a bit colourblind as others say it is, maybe lighting dependent? Sudan got a whole new tube of this shade, so it only seems fair to use that up...
PS: The optician outcome was I did need new lenses, but they are going into the same frame so didn't face that dilemma.